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| Town Office & Staff Info


Town of LaGrange Po Box 40
LaGrange, Maine 04453
Phone:943-2085  943-3387
Fax: 943-2539


Town  Office Hours:

3:00pm to 7:00 pm Tuesdays 3:00pm  to 7:00 pm Wednesdays

9:00 to 11:00 1st Saturday of the month  (Sept thru May)

Town Clerk/ Tax Collector: Ella Lyford 943-3387

Deputy Town Clerk :Kayla Goodine 852-4825

Treasurer :Betty Gormley 943-6750



Joseph Poirier-944-23 19 | Fred Weymouth – 794-5956 | Reggie Trefts -943-2993

Selectmen Meetings every Tuesday 6:00 to 7:30

General Assistance – 944-2319 on Tuesdays


Animal  Control:  Bonnie Anderson   943-3983

Code Enforcement Officer : Dwight Tilton 794-4434 Fire Chief: Corey Roberts 485-2777

Sexton: Corey Trafton  949-0115